After the Marseilles edition, it is in Rennes that the dynamic of the Universités de l'Economie de Demain is being extended with 400 entrepreneurs and leaders who met at the Couvent des Jacobins to change the rules of the game of the economy!
With six days to go before the first round of the presidential elections, we have one last opportunity to influence the debates and make our voice heard for an economy that serves social and ecological justice.
The 5 key proposals of the Manifesto for the Economy of Tomorrow, supported by more than 7,500 entrepreneurs and managers, were presented to the business leaders of the Grand-Ouest. For Frederick Marchand (Digital 4 Better), Clarisse le Court (Claripharm) and Lionel Fournier (Harmonie Mutuelle), all these proposals are capable of creating new rules of the game and putting the economy back in its rightful place.
This edition of the Universités de l'Economie de Demain focused on professional equality, an accelerator of the ecological and social transition. A great thematic debate with Eva Sadoun (Mouvement Impact France), Marie Eloy (Bouge ta Boîte), Solenn Douard (Triballat-Noyal), Eric Challan-Belval (MEDEF 35) & Loïg Chesnais-Girard, President of the Region of Brittany, as well as Aya Salama, young candidate to the legislative elections.
The debate illustrated the convergence between the President of MEDEF35, Eric Challan-Belval, and Eva Sadoun, co-president of the Impact France Movement, both of whom are waiting for strong legislative measures to accelerate professional equality.
"Gender equality is not a goal, it is a prerequisite" - Marie Eloy
With 10 Masterclasses onImpact Score indicators to put impact at the heart of its model, the Universities of the Economy of Tomorrow in Rennes were able to draw on the region's pioneering entrepreneurs who shared their good practices with their peers.
Reduction of the carbon footprint, women's leadership, sustainable performance, sustainable finance, inclusion, 30 entrepreneurs and experts came to accompany the leaders to make concrete progress on impact indicators.
At the Impact fair, more than 20 solutions from the region will be on display to discover impact initiatives, companies, supporters and networks, and to develop new virtuous cooperations.