March 10, 2025

Clean Industrial Deal and Omnibus Package: Europe's new competitiveness is still finding its compass

Clean Industrial Deal and Omnibus Package: Europe's new competitiveness is still finding its compass

Ever since the publication of the Draghi Report, the European Union has been eagerly awaited on the subject of competitiveness. On Wednesday February 26, 2025, the European Commission presented the first two flagship initiatives of the new term of office to strengthen the competitiveness of the European economy and guarantee sustainable prosperity: the first Omnibus Package and the Clean Industrial Deal. 

In response, Impact France, along with 8 other organizations, business networks and funders, is calling for the transition to become a strategic opportunity to strengthen the competitiveness, innovation and robustness of European businesses, and presents its concrete recommendations for achieving this.

Omnibus Package: Simplifying without giving up

Firstly, the long-awaited Omnibus package includes measures to simplify several Green Deal texts, including the CSRD and the Duty of Vigilance Directive, which are essential for guiding companies along the transition path and better protecting them from unfair competition.

Fully mobilized for years on this subject(cf. our #FuturCSRD initiative a few weeks ago), Impact France regrets the path taken by the European Commission, which runs the risk of calling into question principles at the heart of our future resilience, and prolongs negotiations in Brussels by several months.

In the coming months, Impact France will ensure that this initiative does not serve to deregulate or unravel these regulations, but rather tooptimize their implementation and turn them into levers for growth, investment and sustainable competitiveness, meeting the challenges of today and tomorrow.

A Clean Industrial Deal to accelerate the decarbonization of the economy

At the same time, we welcome the presentation of the Clean Industrial Deal, which takes up the issue of decarbonizing our industry and sees it as a lever for revitalizing our economy. We encourage the direction taken, which takes up many of our recommendations (Green VAT, sustainability and proximity criteria in public and private procurement, European law on the circular economy...) and remain mobilized to ensure that the implementation of these initiatives fully meets the needs of companies committed to the ecological and social transition. 

Far from being a constraint, this transition should be a strategic opportunity to strengthen the competitiveness, innovation and resilience of European businesses.

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