Faced with the threat to fundamental freedoms posed by the extreme right, Impact France, the employers' organisation of committed entrepreneurs, calls for a clear choice by voting for Emmanuel Macron in the second round of the presidential election. Whatever the political choices we made on 10 April and that we will make for the legislative elections, no vote must be missed on 24 April to block the extreme right.
It is with deep concern that the committed entrepreneurs of the Impact France Movement have learned of the results of the first round of the presidential election. Our movement of entrepreneurs has always been resolutely non-partisan and has carried out an objective analysis of all the programmes during the electoral period, in the light of the concrete proposals that we had formulated for the presidential election, to help everyone understand the impact of the candidates' economic programmes on our society and our planet.
Throughout France and Europe we are developing business models that are compatible with social justice, equity, democracy, environmental protection, the fight against inequality and discrimination. Our action as Social and Ecological Impact entrepreneurs is based on values that do not stop at the borders of the national community or those of France, which promote the inclusion of all, and we believe they are seriously threatened by the presence of Marine Le Pen in the second round of the presidential election.
The programme of the Rassemblement National is not only incompatible with the principles that underlie our vision of transforming the economy, but it is also a pure and simple negation of the values that guide our actions. Xenophobia, withdrawal, disregard for the climate emergency, and a profound denial of individual freedoms, these are the principles on which Marine Le Pen, if elected, will base her action. Beyond the disastrous consequences that the policy of the Rassemblement National could have on our economy, our society and our democracy would be in danger.
This is why we are exceptionally stepping out of our neutrality today to call unambiguously on voters to mobilise on 24 April by voting for Emmanuel Macron.
In order not to relive the same situation in five years' time, we will continue to work relentlessly for an economy of the future that is based on a model of equity, cooperation, sharing and sobriety that we support and that we believe is key to building social and ecological justice in France. Our position is therefore neither a blank check nor an approval of the results of these five years. It will be followed by concrete actions to encourage the government and the Parliament to mobilise in favour of ambitious economic measures that are essential in the face of the ecological and social emergency.