1 year after the launch of the #1 Impact Lab Acceleration class, the 2nd class began in November 2023 to support 20 social impact entrepreneurs as they scale up. Perhaps the unicorns of tomorrow? Discover them!
Over a period of several weeks, the Impact France movement sought to select 20 highly promising social impact projects.
While many incubation programs exist to support young impact companies in their creation phase, the Impact Lab has decided to position itself with this promotion on the acceleration phase of these impact companies.
Programs and initiatives to help young startups focus on responsibility and impact are still too rare. Only a handful exist today.
Underlines Roxanne Varza, Director of Station F
In this promotion, we are targeting mature projects, which on average already generate sales in excess of 1 million euros, and which have more than 20 employees. It should be noted that 60% of these projects have already raised funds, with an average amount of 1.5 million euros.
Finally, the Impact Lab Acceleration class is very diverse: 60% of project leaders are women, and we made the choice to mix commercial companies (⅔ of participants) with associations (⅓ of participants).
For 5 months, support will be provided by teams from Mouvement Impact France and makesense, one of the 4 members of the Impact Lab coalition, alongside La Ruche, Pulse and Corporate for Change.
For this promotion, support consists of 5 full days on the following themes:
During these days, participants will enjoy a variety of formats: feedback from entrepreneurs, office hours with experts, training on key acceleration topics, peer-to-peer co-development time, and of course informal time after the sessions.
To find out more about the Impact Lab, visit our website!