The first 100 days of Emmanuel Macron's new quinquennium can be an opportunity to give an unprecedented boost to the transformation of the economy. For the Impact France Movement, major orientations must now be taken by the Government.
New rules of the game to bring about ecological and social competitiveness: to enable companies to play a role in increasing purchasing power through a better sharing of value between employees and shareholders, reduced taxation for socially or ecologically responsible products, or to encourage ecological sobriety by prioritising aid, investment and access to public contracts for companies that align their strategies with the objectives of the Paris Agreement. And also, to deepen one of the proposals of the President of the Republic formulated during the campaign: the indexation of the variable remuneration of executives on extra-financial performance criteria. Targets should be set and incentives clearly formulated.
A massive plan to support social and ecological innovation: to support companies that develop breakthrough innovations to meet the major objectives of sustainable development. Let us set ourselves the objective of creating positive impact unicorns in 5 years by redirecting part of the public funds, particularly in the framework of the PIA and BPI France, towards impact companies and let us encourage all companies to invest in R&D with an ecological and social impact.
A new governance of the ecological and social transition: following the example of the new responsibility given to the Prime Minister for ecological planning, this orientation must be translated within the main ministries concerned.