L'Impact Score has been developing since 2020, and is now a benchmark tool for assessing the ecological and social commitment of French companies. Used by companies of all sizes and in all sectors, the Impact Score is now also fully recognized by a number of local authorities, who have turned it into a public policy tool.
To keep up the momentum and enhance the benchmark's power, Mouvement Impact France is today announcing the official launch of the Impact Score Strategic Committee.
Meeting for the first time in plenary session on Monday November 20, 2023, and made up of 13 standards and impact experts, the committee will focus on defining the main strategic priorities to make the tool more robust, user-friendly and aligned with new European regulations (CSRD).
The Impact Score Strategic Committee is made up of the following members:
The reaction of Caroline Neyron, Managing Director of Mouvement Impact France:
At the forefront of new regulations in this area, the Impact Score has, since its inception, been helping French companies to progress, and rewarding those that are transforming themselves and are the most advanced in terms of ecological and social performance. The creation of this committee of experts is intended to bring the Impact Score up to date with national and European regulations, and to make it even more operational in order to meet the needs of all French companies.
The reaction of Philippe Zaouati, Managing Director of Mirova and Director of Mouvement Impact France:
Over the past three years, the Impact Score has established itself as a benchmark tool for quickly and easily assessing the commitment of French companies. This committee of experts will be working over the coming months to optimize the Impact Score, making it more robust, more operational and compatible with the new CSRD standards.
Press contact:
Malo BOUREL - mbourel@impactfrance.eco
Octave KLEYNJANS - okleynjans@impactfrance.eco