What is the Impact Score?
TheImpact Score is the common benchmark developed by over 30 business networks committed to accelerating the ecological and social transformation of their members and of the economy in general.
Free and quick (less than 2 hours), it allows you to assess a company's degree of commitment to 3 key pillars:
- Limiting negative externalities (social and ecological)
- Sharing power and value
- Positive impact strategy
This general impact assessment tool is designed for all companies, whatever their size, sector or level of commitment.
Last but not least, it makes it possible to compare companies' efforts, and is above all a tool for improving the impact of one's business.
What is the Impact Score used for?
TheImpact Score can be used for several purposes:
- Make a quick diagnosis. In less than 2 hours, you can create your free Impact Score and easily identify your company's strengths and areas for improvement;
- Adopt acontinuous improvementapproach. The Impact Score enables us to identify areas for improvement, and to gradually open up new areas where progress can be seen from year to year.
- Communicating with your stakeholders. This enables all your stakeholders to quickly identify your overall impact, as well as that of the different pillars. Employees, suppliers and consumers can see the real impact of your organization. Far from greenwashing and social-washing, the Impact Score is the only common reference framework for committed companies, providing a real, global vision of your impact, and highlighting all the best organizational practices.
- Preparing for other CSR/impact standards. The Impact Score is a first step towards more advanced benchmarks. It is a tool that is interoperable with the major benchmarks. This means that by the end of the Impact Score, you've already answered a significant proportion of the questions asked by CSRD, B Corp, EcoVadis or Engagé RSE, for example.
For an "Impact Index
The Mouvement Impact France is proposing the creation of an Impact Index, the proof of concept of which would be the Impact Score. Modelled on the Index d'égalité professionnelle (known as the Index Pénicaud), this Impact Index would genuinely encourage the transformation dynamic of all French and European companies, while supporting the most virtuous.
This Impact Index could, for example, facilitate access to public contracts for the most committed companies, or make public aid conditional on year-on-year improvements in impact. Several local authorities are already using the Impact Score as part of their public policy:
- The Occitanie Region requires the Impact Score for all companies applying for subsidies from the Region.
- The Metropole of Aix-Marseille and the Metropole of Grenoble require companies to carry out an Impact Score if they wish to obtain real estate aid.
More than 5,5000 companies have already supported this approach by revealing their Impact Score and showing that this is an opportunity for transformation. So join the movement!