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FDFR 89 Fédération départementale des foyers ruraux de l'Yonne

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The FDFR 89, a popular education association within the SSE, has been working for a living, supportive rural world for over 70 years. It contributes to local development by helping residents, associations and local authorities to design, implement and support collective, innovative and socially responsible projects. FDFR 89 runs the Local SSE Support Scheme (DLA), as well as support programs. It also coordinates a network of associations developing the Nièvre and Yonne regions.
Member of :
Community Emergence and Acceleration. Find out more
Types of guides :
Dedicated support :
Sectors supported :
Target contractors :
Name of program(s) :
Bénéfices Créa, Incubateur le T
Cities :
Locations :