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Act For Impact by BNP PARIBAS

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Act for Impact is a BNP Paribas program dedicated to social entrepreneurs and positive-impact businesses. It offers personalized support, including tailored financing solutions, specialized advice and access to a network of key partners to support the development and growth of these committed businesses.
Member of :
Parent company :
Types of guides :
Dedicated support :
Sectors supported :
Target contractors :
Name of program(s) :
Act For Impact by BNP PARIBAS
Cities :
In Mettre, Aix-en-Provence, Amiens, Anger, Avignon, Bayonne, Béziers, Bordeaux, Boulogne-Billancourt, Troyes, Bondy, Chambéry, Chalon-sur-Saône, Strasbourg, Saint-Nazaire, caen, Deauville, Metz, La Mans, Lille, Lyon, Montpellier, Limoges, Saint Denis, Nancy, La Rochelle, Lorient, Nanterre, Nantes
Locations :