Founded in 2008 by Arnaud Delattre and Emmanuel Gaudé, Starquest finances the most daring entrepreneurs in the key areas of ecological transition: clean energy production, economical and virtuous industrial or agricultural processes, waste recovery and the circular economy. Starquest is part of the Montefiore Investment Group.
Impact focus
Does not exclusively finance impact
Type of investment
Geographic focus
Tech and/or Non tech
Invests in cooperatives
Invests in associations
Finansol label
Investor tags
Circular Economy, Cybersecurity, Employee Benefits, Climate Tech | Climate Solutions | Carbon Reduction
Portfolio labels
360&1, Art-Fi, Airindemnité.com, AFC Stab, Acklio, Azameo, Bleedi, Babyloan, BagelCorner, BioFluides, Biolie, Bodyguard, BrainPlotting, Cailabs, Car Data, CyberProtect, DNA Gensee, Ecoat, Ecopark, Effy, En Direct Des Eleveurs, ElistAir, Etoffe, Fretbay, Full Performance, Golaem, Greenpriz, Happydemics, Itk, Inovadea, Kiastek, Knowledge Inside, Kyotherm, Laré, Milanamos, Momindum, Neowave, Next Lighting eXperience, Nomalys, Oledcomm, OliKrom, Olnica, Peplum, Probance, Proxipi, QosGuard, Qweeby, Risk Organization Knowledge, Seareka, Seclab, Snowite, Simpulse, SOS Accessoire, Spark Lasers, Synchronext, Tryon Environnement, TecControl, Vectrawave, VenteAlaPropriété.com, Vodeclic, Waga Energy, Web2Roi, Webdrone, Weblib, Wildmoka, XD Productions, Xenothera, YogOsha, Zelup, Zeta, Atawey, Air Indemnité