INCO Ventures is a European management company, expert in venture capital and pioneer in impact investment, investing in the most promising start-ups and unlisted companies in the new inclusive and sustainable economy.
Impact focus
Type of investment
Geographic focus
Tech and/or Non tech
Invests in cooperatives
Invests in associations
Finansol label
Investor tags
Sector agnostic
Portfolio labels
UCPA, Bretagne Ateliers / Talendi, Lemon Tri, (ex. 1001pact), Sunna Design, Upcycle, Petit Bain, Karethic, Jimini's, Sineo, Oncovia, Mooven - V@si, Centimeo, Phitech, RogerVoice, Archer, Ethiquable, Telegrafik, Café Michel, Le Relais, Etic, La Varappe, Cozynergy, Stimergy, Klaxit, Upowa, Ecomouton, Hydrao, Coq en Pâte, Kawaa, 1D Lab, Tale Me, Dream Act, Label Emmaüs, Comptoir de Campagne, Altern Mobil, Alima, Moulinot Compost & Biogaz, Carenews, Exoneo, Alenvi - Home SAS, Wimoov, Ethical Property Europe (Mundo LAB), Jean Bouteille, Citiz, Phénix, Groupe Archer, Alma, Goshaba, Ecomatelas, Episec, Fondation Léopold Bellan, Betterfly Tourism, Solaire Box, Kelbongoo!, Illusion & Macadam, Vrac'N Roll, Gifts for Change, Co-Recyclage, Alancienne, Tomato & Co, Le Social Bar, Ulteria, Conciergerie, Séquences Clés Productions, Odesia, Matrice, Handéo, Fondation pour le Logement Social, 1083, VTD, La Cravate Solidaire, Académie les Métiers d'Art, Rutabago, Castalie, Darwin, Résid'Social, Vendredi, Groupe ID'EES, Simplon, VAE Les 2 Rives, Scopelec - Scopelec Campus, The MOOC Agency - Variable SAS, Enercoop, Auticiel, Alyl Sécurité, Sinny & Ooko, Réseau Cocagne, Make ICI, Fermes de Figeac, Les Cuistots Migrateurs,, - ex. 1001Pact, Réseau Citiz, YMO, Vesto