Crédit Mutuel Asset Management - FPS Engagement Solidaire
FPS CM-AM Engagement Solidaire finances the development and growth of structures with a strong social impact in France. In particular, it invests in social economy structures (with "Entreprise Solidaire d'Utilité Sociale" accreditation) operating in a wide range of fields:
\- Access to employment and integration through economic activity (Adie, France Initiative, Autonomie et Solidarité),
\- Access to housing and the fight against isolation (Entreprendre pour l'Humaniser la Dépendance)
\- Solidarity and health (Croix Rouge, Siel Bleu)
\- Socially useful ecological activities (Terre de Liens)
Impact focus
Does not exclusively finance impact
Type of investment
Geographic focus
Tech and/or Non tech
Invests in cooperatives
Invests in associations
Finansol label
Investor tags
Sector agnostic
Portfolio labels
Croix Rouge Française, SIEL BLEU, Terre de Liens, ADIE, Autonomie & Solidarité