Created in 1982, it is the Crédit Mutuel Arkéa group's private equity subsidiary. In total, just over 1.1 billion euros are devoted to private equity activities, representing 15% of the banking group's equity capital.
Impact focus
Does not exclusively finance impact
Type of investment
Geographic focus
Tech and/or Non tech
Invests in cooperatives
Invests in associations
Finansol label
Investor tags
Sector agnostic
Portfolio labels
Osmia, Algo Paint, Cozynergy, Phénix, IQSpot, Newcy, Gaïago, Acieo, Acteon, Adventys, Agorize, Agro Invest, Airfan, Altrad, Amarris, Armor, Ascor, Asteel Flash, Groupe BHD, Bruce, Bugal, Chene Vert, Clever Connect, Coaxis, CWF, D-AIM, Decortiat, Ecovrac, Ediis, Ergosup, Eurodommages, La Sommelière, Furnotel, Galapagos Gourmet, Global Packing Services, Groupe HDV, Ingeliance, Groupe Le Graët, Groupe Nadia, Groupe Vert, Hemarina, Hénaff, Hent Ar Bugale, Holweg Weber, Homeperf, Ital Passion, Kereval, Kermad, Kersia, Klaxoon, La Boutique Officielle, Lacoste, Landanger, Legris Industries, Lengow, LMB, Location Transport, Lumiplan, Lyamtech, Mathevon, MMV, Moustache Bikes, Nature et Stratégie, Nemea, Neocase, Novepan, Numalliance, Oceania, Ocus, Orinox, Oxatis, Paprec Group, Piriou, Prévision, Prevost Laboratory Concept, Quartz Capital Developpement, Rolland, S4M, Sandaya, Sellsy, Sermeta, Sill Entreprises, SRS, Stratagem, Tennaxia, Terre de Marins, Thermes Adour, TokTokDoc, TDL Groupe, Transmanut, Transport Malherbe, Upfactor, Vivalto Sante, Vivalto Vie, Yprema, Yxelia, FOUNTAINE PAJOT, ROLLER GRILL INTERNATIONAL, FELLMANN CARTONNAGES, Cheminées POUJOULAT, Andjaro - ex. OuiTeam, Ascor Communication, Edflex, Maskott, Algo, Fluo, Grisbee, Koregraf, Pythéas Capital Advisors, Vivienne Investissement, Waam Cosmetics, Yomoni