Asset manager resulting from the merger of the asset management activities of Crédit Agricole and Société Générale. Amundi has financed over 50 impact companies through its Finance et Solidarité fund.
Impact focus
Does not exclusively finance impact
Type of investment
Geographic focus
Tech and/or Non tech
Invests in cooperatives
Invests in associations
Finansol label
Investor tags
Tech | Hardware | Software, Agriculture | Agtech | Agritech, Industry | Chemistry, Services, Construction, B2C, B2B, Health | HealthTech | Medtech, Food | Foodtech | Agriculture
Portfolio labels
Agrisud, Bretagne Ateliers / Talendi, Cresus, Entreprendre pour humaniser la dépendance (EHD), Etic, Forest Finance, France Beguinage, Grameen Crédit Agricole, Insertion Cohabitat, La Varappe, Le Comptoir de l'innovation, Le Relais, Môm arte, Multicap Services, One Heart, SIDI, SNL-Prologues, Terre de Liens, Solifap, France Active Investissement, Initiative France, Autonomie & Solidarité, Entrepreneurs du Monde, La Laiterie du Berger, MiiMOSA, Bâtho, CMS, Ecodrop, Fastroad, Homnia, My Retail Box, Quinola Mothergrain, SchneiElectric Energy Access Asia, Castalie, Darwin, Habitat et Humanisme, Il était un fruit, Les Opticiens Mobiles, Résid'Social, France Active, Simplon, ADIE, SIEL BLEU, Les Alchimistes, Gojob, BimBam Job, Synergie Family, Carizona, Crosscall, Dhatim, FLIC, R3, En Voiture Simone, TOLV (ex. Phoenix Mobility)