Allianz Corporate Venture Capital
Allianz finances innovative start-ups by acquiring minority stakes in their seed, series A, B or C capital raising. The CVC offers its partners business support that respects the founders' projects, while enabling them to benefit from Allianz's expertise and networks.
Impact focus
Does not exclusively finance impact
Type of investment
Geographic focus
Tech and/or Non tech
Invests in cooperatives
Invests in associations
Finansol label
Investor tags
Insurance | InsureTech, Health | HealthTech | Medtech, Real Estate | Proptech | Housing, Transportation | Mobility, Data, Cybersecurity, Finance | FinTech
Portfolio labels
Active Asset Allocation, Agriconomie, Alsid, Biomodex, Capcar, Case Law Analytics, Cityscoot, Ector, Hiflow, Inmemori, Luko, October, Papernest, Seyna, Smart Angels, Storefront, Tanker, Testamento, Unkle, Wilov, + Simple, Heetch, Salvum, Ornikar