123 Investment Managers is an asset management company with 70 employees, founded in 2001 by three entrepreneurs with a dual objective: 1) to democratize access to private equity for French investors looking for innovative, alternative investment solutions. 2) To support the entrepreneurs who will shape tomorrow's society, with the aim of achieving sustainable, responsible growth.
Impact focus
Does not exclusively finance impact
Type of investment
Geographic focus
Tech and/or Non tech
Invests in cooperatives
Invests in associations
Finansol label
Investor tags
Silver Economy, Real Estate | Proptech | Housing, Health | HealthTech | Medtech, Education | Training | Edtech
Portfolio labels
SeniorAdom, Compani (by Alenvi), Climbing District, Kyump, LeCiseau.Fr, Nomalab, Prev&Care, Snowleader, Unique Heritage Media, Alenvi, MY COACH, Alltricks.com